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But I know Ive gotta give it a try 但我知道该试试看

And I know the roads to riches 我知道致富之道

And I know the ways to fame 也知道成名的捷径

I know all the rules and then I know how to breakem 我知道所有的游戏规则,也知道如何打破规则

And I always know the name of the game 我总是知道游戏的名称

But I dont know how to le**e you 但我不知道如何离开你

And Ill never let you fall 然后我永远不会让你跌倒

And I dont know how you do it 然后我不明白你是怎么做到的

Making love out of nothing at all 无意义的爱着 (一般都是翻译让爱一切成空)

Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 无意义,无意义(一切成空,一切成空)

Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 无意义,无意义(一切成空,一切成空)

Out of nothing at all 无意义(一切成空)

Making love out of nothing at all 没有任何意义的爱着

Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun 每一次我看见你,所有的阳光

Are streaming through the w**es in your hair 流泻过你像波浪般的发间

And every star in the sky 然后天上的每一颗星

Is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight 都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼

The beating of my heart is a drum and its lost 我的心跳像鼓,然后它已迷失

And its looking for a rhythm like you 然后他正寻觅着像你这样的节奏

You can take the darkness at the pit of the night 你可以从夜之坑洞中吸取黑暗

And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright 然后将它转化成为燃烧着无尽光亮的信号灯

Ive gotta follow it cause everything I know 而我必追随着它因为我所知道的一切

Well, its nothing till I give it to you 如果没有给你的话,都是徒然

I can make the runner stumble 我能够让奔跑者摔倒

I can make the final block 我可以制造最后的障碍

And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle 然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际

I can make all the stadiums rock 我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来

I can make tonight forever 我能够让今晚成为永恒

Or I can make it disappear by the dawn 或者我能让他在黎明前消失 I can make you every promise that has ever been made 我能为你实现每一个曾经许过的承诺

And I can make all your demons be gone 我能为你驱走所有的恶魔 But Im never gonna make it without you 但是如果没有你我绝不会去做

Do you really wanna see me crawl 难道你真的想要看我匍匐(直译是难道你真的想要看我爬)

And Im never gonna make it like you do 然后我绝对不会像你做的一样

Making love out of nothing at all 毫无意义的爱着(让爱一切成空) Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 无意义的爱,无意义的爱(一切成空,一切成空)


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